This October, Fork Union Military Academy will mark the celebration of our school's founding in 1898 with a number of special events. We are inviting all current and former parents, alumni, retired faculty and staff, and all media members to campus to help us celebrate.
The Academy will formally welcome President-elect CAPT Mark Black, USN (ret.) as the 12th president in a Change of Command Ceremony on Sunday, October 15, at 1:30 p.m. on the school’s Founder’s Day.
CAPT Black will replace Colonel David L. Coggins, USMC (ret.), who announced his intent to retire this past spring. The Change of Command will cap off a weekend of festivities as the Academy will celebrate its 125thbirthday during the three-day event starting Friday, October 13.
If you are planning on joining us, please follow this link to register for all events you're attending.
3:00PM: Home Football Game
5:00PM: BBQ Cookout with live music from Bennett Wales, class of 2009
7:00PM: Fireworks Display
8:00AM: Fork Union 4-Miler - Register for this event at:
11:30AM: Lunch
12:30PM: Military Spectacle
1:30PM: Snead Hall and Memorial Hall Cornerstone Ceremony
6:30PM: Gala at The Westin Richmond
10:00AM: Church service at stadium
11:00AM: Ribbon cutting at Press Box and Sabre Square
11:30AM: Group photos at stadium
12:00PM: Lunch
1:30PM: Parade and Change of Command Ceremony
After the parade there will be 125th Photo opportunity for all in attendance followed by a reception on Sabre Square.