Every Friday the Fork Union Military Faculty and Staff meet to nominate a few who have exceeded the standards and demonstrated superlative performance. Whilst we have various awards and recognitions - a simple "Well Done!" we hope, is also appreciated. The combination of the Bravo and Zulu nautical signal flags, i.e., Bravo Zulu, also referred to as "BZ," is a naval signal, typically conveyed by flag hoist or voice radio, meaning "Well Done" with regard to actions, operations or performance.
The following are the Bravo Zulu awards for this week:
Cadet Benjamin Burtram is a junior and first-year cadet in Alpha Company. He is a boarding student from Mebane, NC. Cadet Burtram has been promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant and Executive Officer of Alpha Company. Most recently, he placed 1st in the coveted Leader of the Term Competition for Term 3. Bravo Zulu, Cadet Burtram!
Cadet Jack McCall is a senior and fourth-year cadet in Bravo Company. He is a boarding student from South Chesterfield, VA. Cadet McCall received an All-American Award for Character and Leadership from the National Wrestling Coaches Association and the United States Marine Corps. He is a gifted leader and a tremendous asset to his Company. Bravo Zulu, Cadet McCall!
CPT Zack Harris, TAC Officer, is also a member of FUMA’s Mental Health First-Responders Team. As such, he is called upon to serve the Corp of Cadets at a moment’s notice in times of stress and does so flawlessly. CPT Harris’s dedication to this important mission is valued. Bravo Zulu, CPT Harris!
Dr. James Benson, Assistant Director of College Placement and Academic Services & Yearbook Sponsor, willingly stepped into the classroom this week to complete the final three weeks of one of our Term 4 course offerings. He did so in the midst of meeting the Academy’s yearbook submission deadline earlier this week. Bravo Zulu, Dr. Benson!
CPT Joseph Kenny and the Golf Team won their match against Randolph-Macon Academy 196 - 222. Cadets Trent Willis and Jake Nichols led the team, shooting 41 and 47. The team is looking forward to a great season. Bravo Zulu, Coach Kenny and the Golf Team!
Colonel David L. Coggins, USMC (Ret.)
Fork Union Military Academy