125 for the 125th

A Case for Your Support

As Fork Union Military Academy approaches its 125th anniversary the school community has a unique opportunity to influence our future for generations to come.

The Academy’s mission to educate, develop, and inspire young men in a college preparatory, Christian, military environment remains as vital today as it was in the late 1800s when our founder Dr. William Hatcher drove his wagon through the countryside of Fluvanna County to pick up students for his new school. In today’s world many of these young men may never be exposed to our Core Values (Respect, Integrity, Faith, Character, Discipline) without the setting we provide here.

The flag flies above Fraley Circle

125 Gifts for Our 125th Anniversary

To mark this special anniversary and to guarantee the continuing of our mission Fork Union Military Academy is seeking 125 special gifts.

To qualify, gifts must be at least $12,500 and paid in immediately available funds or through commitment mechanisms described by the Academy. All pledges are to be fulfilled or guaranteed through a written plan by the close of the campaign on October 15, 2025.

The 125 gifts for the 125th anniversary may:

SUPPORT THE FORK UNION MILITARY ACADEMY ENDOWMENT—providing annual support to various aspects of the Academy (scholarships for cadets, funding for programs and faculty), and as a reserve in times of need, the endowment serves to ensure the long-term future of the school. Gifts may be made to an existing Academy endowment account or to fund a newly created account, subject to applicable Academy Gift Policy parameters, including gift amount minimums which may exceed $12,500.

SUPPORT THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF FORK UNION MILITARY ACADEMY—within the parameters of our Campus Master Plan, the Academy’s vast grounds and numerous facilities must be updated and improved to support the work of our faculty and staff and the entire cadet experience. Gifts may also support future projects or the Academy’s general infrastructure. Naming opportunities will be subject to the gift level set for each specific project, which may exceed $12,500, and are to be realized within an appropriate time-frame. Naming opportunities are offered on a first-come basis.

Service held at the FUMA Veteran's Memorial

To participate in this campaign...

  • Gifts towards the Academy Fund, Access Scholarship fund, AD Club, or EISTC Program will not qualify for inclusion in this campaign.
  • Gifts may be cash or a cash equivalent, marketable securities (including options), life insurance policies, 401(k)/IRA beneficiary status, real estate (with or without restrictions such as life estate, but subject to acceptance by the Academy), or in some other form acceptable to the Academy.
  • Gifts may be made by individuals, families, corporations, foundations, or groups such as an Academy graduating class or collection of former teammates. Gifts may also be made anonymously or in the name of another individual.
  • If a donor’s gift is to be matched by his or her employer the total amount to be received by the Academy (individual + match) may be aggregated to qualify as a 125 for the 125th campaign gift.
  • End of Life gifts that were previously identified, but not yet formalized, may be counted towards the 125 for the 125th campaign with the presentation to the Academy of documents.
  • A donor is welcome to make multiple qualifying gifts and will receive the appropriate recognition for each one made.