The Board of Trustees through its Campus Master Planning process reviewed the physical needs of the Academy community to develop a list of priority projects that prepare Fork Union Military Academy to meet the challenges of the future.
A gift to the infrastructure will impact the quality of the education a young man receives while also improving the Academy’s ability to attract and retain the next generation of cadets, as well as the best and brightest faculty and staff.
You can support the Academy infrastructure through a gift of at least $12,500 that is either paid in immediately available funds or through a commitment mechanism described by the Academy. Gifts may be made to the listed opportunities, or another infrastructure approved by the Campus Master Plan, and are subject to applicable Academy Gift Policy parameters.
All pledges are to be fulfilled or guaranteed through a written plan by the close of the campaign on October 15, 2025.
Scroll through the list of current capital projects and naming opportunities below, or click here for the current list of Capital Projects Naming Opportunities.
We encourage you to reach out to COL Tripp Billingsley, our Director of Advancement, at to learn more about how you can participate in supporting this campaign.