The Fork Union Military Academy debate team opened the season at James River High School this past weekend. Cadets Matthew Vinso, Ethan Schroyer, and Jackson Pretus led the way for Fork Union placing in the top four in their respective divisions.
Vinso won the extemporaneous speaking category. Schroyer placed third in his chamber of student congress, while Pretus took fourth in his chamber of student congress. Pretus was also elected best senator by his fellow competitors.
“I am thrilled with the results and am incredibly proud of the first timers who worked through the nerves and fear to compete,” said CPT Michael Head. “In my opinion, the biggest win of the day is that all our debaters spoke enough times to qualify for a trophy, while many first-time competitors spend their first meet spectating. I am looking forward to our December meet with the momentum these guys have now.”
Fork Union will compete at the University of Lynchburg’s Snowball Tournament on Saturday, December 10.