Fork Union Military Academy embarks on an exciting venture to Fort Pickett each year during Cadet Leadership Training. Each year, selected members of the Corps of Cadets receive invitations to participate in two extra weeks of leadership training prior to the start of the academic year.
Battalion S-5/6 CPT Jadyn Pieron of Palmyra, Virginia gave us his perspective on this year’s trip.
Fort Pickett was unique in the way that I was able to see not only the failures, but the success of each group of cadets. Capturing those moments of teamwork, leadership and success was something I thoroughly enjoyed. Being able to share those moments with not only my fellow cadets but the faculty and parents as well was my goal going in.
As someone who hadn't attended the Fort Pickett trip before, it was a great opportunity to get to know the people around me in a way that wouldn't typically present itself during the academic year. In my opinion, Fort Pickett is the part of cadet leadership training that cadets look forward to the most. It gives them the opportunity to demonstrate everything they’ve learned about leadership, problem solving and persevering through adversity throughout the week in a final evaluation to determine how they've developed themselves and the people around them.
Check out CPT Pierson’s photos from this year’s Fort Pickett trip.