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March 22, 2024

Weekly Update for March 22, 2024

Fork Union's Friday Update:

March 22, 2024


Below you will find the major events that are scheduled throughout the next several months. Please keep in mind that details on these events could possibly change due to weather and other circumstances. Please mark your calendars for the following dates:

Saturday, March 23 | Senior/PG Dinner

6:30 PM | Senior/PG Dinner | Estes Dining Hall | Parents of seniors and PGs are welcome. Must RSVP here.

Friday, March 29 through Monday, April 1

Easter Leave | Cadets are eligible for a three-day weekend starting Friday, March 29. FUMA Transportation will not be provided. 

Friday, April 5 | National Honors Society & National Junior Honors Society

10:30 AM | National Honors Society & National Junior Honors Society Ceremony | Wicker Chapel | Please RSVP by responding to this email.

Friday, April 12 | Ring Ceremony

10:30 AM | Ring Ceremony | Wicker Chapel | Parents are welcome.

Saturday, April 13 | Military Ball

6:00 PM | Military Ball | Social Center | Chaperones are welcome. 

Friday, April 26 | Military Appreciation Day Parade

2:00 PM | Military Appreciation Day Parade | Stadium Field | Parents are welcome. 


The College Placement Department has set the Academy's annual College T-Shirt Day for Wednesday, May 15. We encourage all seniors to participate by wearing a shirt from the college/destination he is committing to for next year. This will be the day we celebrate National Decision Day. 

Parents, please make sure your senior has his t-shirt that displays his 2024-25 destination on campus by Monday, May 13. The uniform of the day will be DCU bottoms paired with his t-shirt.


Is your cadet staying on campus during Easter Weekend, if so, treat him to an Easter Basket!

Ms. Rhonda White, our Coordinator of Assessments & Student Records, provides parents with the opportunity to treat their cadet with something sweet and special. Do you want to do something special to surprise your cadet while at FUMA? Treat him to a birthday surprise, a pick-me-up, or "just because" treat from the list below.

  • Qty of 6 Cupcakes for $10
  • Qty of 12 Cupcakes for $20
  • Qty of 12 Brownies for $10
  • Qty of 12 Chocolate Chip Cookies for $12
  • Medium Size Gift Bag of Treats for $25
  • Large Size Gift Bag of Treats for $40

For more information, please contact Ms. Rhonda White at


If you have not started the re-enrollment process, please review the details below:

The Admissions Office has made re-enrollment contract available on SchoolAdmin! If your cadet has received a re-enrollment invitation from the Admissions Office he is eligible to re-enroll. We are encouraging all families to re-enroll early to receive a $750 tuition credit. If you re-enroll and pay the registration deposit before March 29, you will receive the $750 credit. 

The deadline to re-enroll for the 2024-2025 academic year is April 26, 2024. If you re-enroll after April 26, there will be a late fee charged per month after the deadline.

Below are the correct dates for re-enrollment. 

  • Extended Financial Aid Application Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024 
  • Early Enrollment Credit: Current families who enroll and pay the registration deposit before Friday, March 29, 2024 will receive a $750 credit. 
  • Tuition Protection Plan: The cost of the Tuition Protection Plan is $1,250 for the 2024-2025 academic year and must be paid prior to your cadet's arrival on campus. 
  • Early Re-Enrollment Deadline to Receive Credit: Friday, March 29, 2024
  • Final Re-Enrollment Deadline: Friday, April 26, 2024. 
  • Early Payment Credit: Any family who pays their FACTS account balance, 100-percent full, prior to their cadet's arrival on campus will receive a $750 credit on their account. 
  • Your Re-Enrollment Agreement is available in your Parent Portal in SchoolAdmin.

Financial Aid: Ensure to reapply for Financial Aid before submitting the re-enrollment agreement and tuition deposit. For any questions about your financial aid award, feel free to schedule an appointment with Mr. Bob Williams, our Director of Financial Aid, Calendly - Robert Williams.

Re-Enrollment Process: 

To begin the re-enrollment process:

  • Log in to your Parent Portal to access your cadet's 2024-2025 Enrollment Agreement and the Enrollment Checklist. 
  • Within the Agreement, you will find the option to select the Tuition Protection Plan. Sign the agreement and submit the required tuition deposit within the Parent Portal and FACTS to secure your cadet's place for the upcoming year. 

Please keep in mind that the 2024-25 academic check-in dates have not been published on SchoolAdmin which is the final step to completing your checklist. 

Below you will find a video on how to re-enroll your cadet:

Re-Enrollment for 2024-2025 Informative Video

Archived Information:

Below you will find important archived information that has been released in previous weeks. 


It is time to plan your End of the Year travel! The last week of school is Sunday, June 2 through Saturday, June 8. We have several dates where we would love to have parents here on campus as well as multiple dates when cadets depart campus. Please keep in mind that details on these events could possibly change due to weather and other circumstances. Please mark your calendars for the following events:

Wednesday, June 5 

10:00 AM | 7th Grade Ceremony | Location TBD | Parents are welcome.

7th graders will be dismissed from campus after ceremony.

4:00 PM | Upper School Awards Ceremony | Wicker Chapel | Parents are welcome.

Dinner will be served in the Estes Dining Hall at 5:00 PM. Parents who attend the awards are welcome to stay for dinner. 

Thursday, June 6

Term 5 Final Exam Day

Grades 8 through 11 are dismissed from campus at 12:30 PM.

4:30 PM | Senior Cookout | Middle School Circle | Parents are welcome.

6:00 PM | Senior Awards Ceremony | Wicker Chapel | Parents are welcome.

Friday, June 7

8:30 AM | Baccalaureate | Wicker Chapel | Closed to Spectators/Parents

10:00 AM | Upper School Graduation | Football Field | All are welcome. No tickets required unless under weather plan.

Seniors are dismissed from campus after graduation.


Following Spring Break, we enter arguably the best time of the year: Parade Season! Starting at the end of April, Fork Union Military Academy will host seven parades and ceremonies that will be mandatory for all cadets, including day students. Below is the parade schedule for the 2024 spring:

Saturday, April 26, 2024 | 2:00 PM | Military Appreciation Parade

Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 10:00 AM | Alumni Veteran's Memorial Ceremony
Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 1:30 PM | Alumni Day Parade
Friday, May 10, 2024 | 2:00 PM | Mother's Day Parade
Friday, May 17, 2024 | 2:00 PM | First Responders Parade
Friday, May 24, 2024 | 2:00 PM | Senior Day Parade
Monday, May 27, 2024 | 2:59 PM | Memorial Day Ceremony
 (This ceremony will be at the War Memorial and will begin one minute or two before 3:00 PM as 3 PM is the National Moment of Remembrance.)


Click this link to find a flyer sent from a West Point representative to share with junior families. If you are interested in the program, the priority deadline for applications is March 15th. They accept applications to April 15th. The application process is competitive. 

What is SLE?

  • SLE is a one-week program for current Juniors (High School Class of 2025) to visit West Point in June.
  • Students in this program get to spend the week with our cadets, live in the barracks, and eat in the mess hall.
  • Learn about West Point’s world class academics by trying 5 of our 17 academic workshops.
  • Learn about military training and becoming a Leader of Character at West Point by completing two military days to include rappelling, Zodiac boats, combatives (like Jiu-Jitsu) training and more!
  • Challenge themselves physically by attempting the Candidate Fitness Assessment, conducting physical training, and sports.
  • Complete their admissions interview with a cadet.
  • Spend the week making friends with other students from all over the US who are applying to West Point.

Learn more about SLE-

Apply now-


The College Placement Department is gearing up to meet with all rising 9th through 12th graders to discuss post-high school plans and course requests for the 2024-2025 academic year. Mrs. Hill and Dr. Benson will meet individually with each cadet throughout Term 4.

After the meetings are complete, Mrs. Hill and Dr. Benson will reach out to their respective families through email. Please be on the lookout for those emails during Term 5.

  • Mrs. Hill is responsible for 9th-12th graders with the last names starting with A-K (  
  • LTC Benson is responsible for 9th-12th graders with the last names starting with L-Z (Last name) (  


Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents/guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2024. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes. 

Save the Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Randolph-Macon College Center for the Performing Arts, Blackwell Auditorium, 205 Henry Street, Ashland, VA 23005

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit 

Please note: This is a notification of the Academy Day that Senator Warner hosts every year for those in the state of Virginia. Even if you do not reside in Virginia, the information is valuable. An email will go out to interested 10th & 11th grade cadets if they wish to travel with the Academy. We will be able to take 13 cadets with FUMA Transportation. The College Placement Department will register the cadets who express interest in attending. 

This weekend does not fall over a Leave Weekend. If you wish to take your cadet outside of the FUMA group, you will need to email academy_noms@warner.senate.gove to ensure you are placed on the list to receive the invitation and registration link. You will need to register yourself and your cadet separately through the registration event.


We are thrilled to announce that Fork Union Military Academy's Interact Club is teaming up with Fluvanna County High School and the Fluvanna County Rotary Club to host a Rise Against Hunger event right here on campus! 

Date: Friday, April 26
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: Estes Athletic Center

Join us for an impactful day as we come together to package nutritious meals for those in need around the world. Let's unite our efforts and work towards a world without hunger. Together, we can make a difference! If you would like to attend, please register for this event below. If you are unable to attend and would like to donate to this event, please click the link below.

Register & Donate Here! 


Did you know that Fork Union offers a Visiting Family Guide? It lives on and offers discounts to local hotels in the area for Fork Union families. You can stay at the Best Western and the Hilton Garden Inn for 15-percent off when you call directly. Click here to view.

  • Best Western Plus Crossroads Inn & Suites: 540-832-1700
  • Hilton Garden Inn Charlottesville: 434-979-4442

Call these hotels now to plan any visit to campus as we enter the spring and parade seasons.


The 2024 Skirmisher yearbook is now on sale! This year's edition will be almost 50% larger than recent years! The books will be distributed in late May before the cadets leave campus but must be pre-ordered via the Jostens web site to guarantee your cadet gets a copy: Order your cadet's yearbook today!


The Parents Association of Fork Union Military Academy is a voluntary association of parents who wish to support the mission of the Academy with their time, talents, and gifts. The Association provides direct support to the Academy's educational programs and technologies through their dues and fundraising endeavors. It also helps encourage parent participation and facilitates parent communication and networking. 

Each year, the Parents Association helps with arranging Carpools for Cadet Transportation. Below is the Carpool List for the academic year. Please read the instructions provided in the document. If interested, submit your information to families in your area. 

Please consider joining the Parents Association! Click here to become a member. 

Do You Want to Schedule Senior/Cadet Portraits?

It's time to schedule your cadet's portraits! We are pleased to be able to recommend Kristin Firewicz Studios to our cadet families. Kristin is a professional photographer contracted by the Academy to take campus photos throughout the year and has been specializing in high school senior photography for over 10 years. Kristin is local to Fork Union and has a studio on campus. For more information regarding booking your cadet's private session, please visit her website for special FUMA rates: Kristin Firewicz Studios.


Please bookmark the link to our Academic Calendar for the 2023-2024 year. This calendar highlights all the major events on campus for the academic year, including dates of when each term begins and ends, leave weekends, SAT and ACT tests and all holiday breaks.

The easy way to find it on is under Academics - Academic Calendar


Fork Union Military Academy works hard to live stream most events that happen on campus for our parents to view. We stream all home athletic events on the Fork Union Military Academy YouTube Channel. We are also able to stream events that are in the Wicker Chapel and Parades. 

Please subscribe to the Fork Union YouTube Channel to get alerts on when Fork Union Military Academy is live. 

Subscribe to YouTube, here.


Should you have any questions regarding your son’s class options and graduation plan, please contact their respective academic scheduler: 


You can view photos almost daily of your son throughout the academic year at:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Kelly Barnette
Director of Communications
Fork Union Military Academy

