Parent Home
January 3, 2025

Important Reminder for Cadet Return on Sunday, January 5

Posted on behalf of COL Brian Bodine, Academic Dean of Fork Union Military Academy:

Dear Parents, 

I hope you have been blessed with the spirit of the holiday season and have enjoyed plenty of family time and rest. As Holiday Leave begins to wind down and the reality of getting back to business approaches, please keep the following in mind as you plan your travel.

I’d like to remind you that all boarding cadets are expected to be on campus by 7:00 PM on Sunday, January 5th, and Term 3 classes will resume bright and early on Monday morning. The Estes Dining Hall will not be open for dinner on Sunday evening, so please ensure your cadet has dinner prior to arrival or brings something appropriate for dinner that evening.

The main purpose of reaching out today is to inform you that the National Weather Service is predicting a winter storm for the Central Virginia area on Sunday afternoon into Monday morning. I encourage you to check the latest weather forecasts for the Fork Union, Virginia area and plan accordingly to ensure all cadets arrive safely. Should you have any questions, please contact your cadet’s TAC Officer or call the Guard Desk at 434-842-4232.

Day Students: Please know that we always have your safety in mind. Since day students are assigned a room in Jacobson Hall at the beginning of the school year, you have the option to spend the night at Fork Union Military Academy. As a boarding school, we do not close or open late for bad weather like public schools, and we do not have snow days. Cadets are expected to be in class.

If you believe the weather may hinder your ability to arrive safely on Monday morning, please consider spending Sunday night at Fork Union Military Academy. To do so, simply reach out to your TAC Officer to make arrangements. For reference, the Cadet Blue Book includes a list of items the Commandant's Department recommends bringing for an overnight stay.

Again, I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday. The FUMA faculty and staff are looking forward to welcoming the cadets back on campus to start the new year on a positive note.

Please travel safely, and God bless,

COL Brian Bodine
Academic Dean
Fork Union Military Academy

